For April 2021, BEVs sales are at a healthy 8.32% market share with 596 units, brining 3414 registra...
For April 2021, BEVs sales are at a healthy 8.32% market share with 596 units, brining 3414...
In January 2021 we asked our members for feedback on their experiences with public EV charge point...
March is looking very strong for BEV sales in Ireland, with 1046 registrations totaling 11.28%...
February has been a good month for BEVs sales, more encouraging than January, thanks to 813...
As an EV owner, you’ve probably face public charge point blocking sometime, whether it’s was by...
In 2020 PHEVs sales have been growing much faster than BEVs sales, thanks to strong incentives and...
Plug-in hybrid vehicules have show a great growth in 2020 (+87% to 2491 units and 2.82% market...