IEVOA is formally a registered non-profit
This is just a perfunctory update for members to keep abreast of organisational changes within the association.
Coming into the last quarter of 2021, the committee set out to register as a company with the CRO. This allows us to register with non-profit status, have an official board of directors and get all of the benefits of being a real business, limited by guarantee.
Last year, we held an EGM as per the rules of the constitution to get member input & a vote to approve the necessary changes: 1) to have a vice chair role, and 2) to allow us to register as a CLG. Both were approved by majority.
Our application was approved by the CRO and is now a formalised part of our association. Our directors will be 4 in total, with the chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary taking those positions. Today that is Simon Acton, Kevin Dowling, Eamon Stack & Thomas McGuire. These will rotate as necessary at any future AGM or EGM elections based on member input.
The listing on the CRO can be found here.
Anyone who has attended our AGM in the past will know that we transparently publish our figures, and this will not change going forward. Moreover, no revisions on our constitution were required.
Kudos to our chair, Simon Acton and treasurer, Eamon Stack, for some trojan work on this project. If you have any questions, please reach out to