IEVOA-ESB Ecars meeting

IEVOA-ESB Ecars meeting

The IEVOA met with ESB Ecars on Thursday 19th March 2020 to discuss about its contingency plan during the COVID19 pandemic, but also the current and future infrastructure.

Contingency planning

o    Maintenance and operation of the network is continuing as normal, the situation will remain under review

o    Customer Call Centre is business as usual and have the ability to work remotely also

o    ESB will stay in communication with IEVOA as the situation develops

o    IEVOA will assist with messaging their members to ensure compliance with HSE guidance in relation to Covid 19 when using chargers. ESB to share planned posts or communications.(Done)

Climate Action Fund Project

·         AC replacement programme

o    130 chargers replaced since October – replacements will continue as issues arise with the chargers

o    Uptime significantly improved with the replacement programme (≥ 95% network uptime)

o    Some issues with a small number of new chargers and this is being investigated with the manufacturer

o    Dublin Port first trial unit of new ‘compact’ fast chargers – these units will be used to replace up to 50 existing AC chargers over the next three years

o    The first of these installations are planned for the coming weeks

o    Focus will be on routes and large towns such as the M/N3

o    As they will be using existing electrical supply they will prioritise connector power based on the number of vehicles connected – this will be clearly labelled on the online map

·         Multi charger site hubs

o    Galway Plaza, M6 and Kilcullen, M9 are the first multi charger sites but the current set up is temporary. – One of the existing fast chargers will be replaced with a charger which can charge one car at 150kW or split the charge between two cars. Meaning three cars can charge simultaneously at those locations. We expect delivery of the 150kW chargers in the summer

o    These type of sites (50kW + 150kW) will be quicker and require less infrastructure to build than the 4-8 vehicle hubs and so it is expected that more of these will be delivered in 2020

o    Once final commercial details are worked out with site hosts an announcement will be made on the first phase of hub locations. IEVOA will be issued with these locations in advance of them being published. ESB to confirm likely timing

Introduction of pricing for AC charging

o    As stated previously, ESB had intended to introduce pay for use of the Standard AC chargers following a replacement programme, given that over 130 chargers have been replaced to date and that availability levels on the network have improved significantly, ESB had intended to introduce pricing in the coming months. However, these plans are now on hold in light of current COVID-19 situation. ESB are reviewing IEVOA’s feedback on the service and potential pricing options, and will provide at least a month’s notice of the introduction of pay for use of the Standard AC network.

o    Given the number of locations and types of use case for the Standard AC chargers it is not intended to introduce an overstay fee. However, the option will be retained to introduce one if the network isn’t being used appropriately.

Overview of the results of the IEVOA survey

o    IEVOA provided an overview of the results of their member  survey (c.200 respondents)

o    IEVOA to provide a distilled version of the comments  for written response by ESB

o    ESB to provide a written response for each of the chargers which were identified as having an issue

o    ESB to look at issues around the accuracy of the information being provided on the map, particularly availability   

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