GEOTAB Partner Day Ireland

GEOTAB Partner Day Ireland

On October 18th, GEOTAB held their first Partner Day in Ireland! For those who are unaware, GEOTAB are a Telematics company who provide vehicle and asset tracking for fleets, as well as being a Corporate Member of IEVA, supporting us in our work. For their first Ireland Partner Day, we were asked to present our work as an Association, highlighting our work to promote sustainable mobility and a vision for an electric future. Matthew Sealy and Derek Reilly presented on the day, covering who we are, our work and analysis we have done to date, and where the market is going!

GEOTAB Partner day 2

Matthew Sealy (IEVA Chairperson)

GEOTAB Partner day 3

Derek Reilly (IEVA Events Officer)


There were some great conversations throughout the day, the most common ones being around the charging infrastructure, Public charging Pricing, and all these apps we have! These are topics we can put more detail to and share out here, as they benefit everyone. So we will work on adding a bit of detail to these queries and will add them to our site in due course.

Outside of the presentation, is was extremely interesting to see the work that GEOTAB are involved with day-to-day. The level of detail they aim to achieve in understanding each node and sensor in a vehicle to help schedule, prevent and keep fleets on the road is impressive.


A very interesting point that came out from the presentations and conversations is one where individual EV ownership and Fleet EV ownership differs. With fleets transitioning to EVs, driving training and changes from how you drive an ICE vehicle to an EV is critical. This is due to a spike in incidents when vehicles change to EV in the Fleet segments, which seems unusual coming from the personal ownership side. Due to the additional torque and power available, and well it not being your own money going into a vehicle as a driver, this has led to a spike in incidents on the initial transition. However, with driver training and through the use of the GEOTAB metrics and feedback, this can be managed and brings the risk (and costs) back down.

An important fact to account for if you are involved with a business that is transitioning to EV's in your fleet. It is not something we as individuals in a personal EV would see as a problem, but human behaviour in different areas are not something we think of, and one worth highlighting for those in the process of going down the EV route!


A quick thank you to Bryan Hickson for helping in the prep for this, but couldn't make it on the day to present with us. And a special thanks to GEOTAB for the invite and time to present for them, it was a fantastic event. So well done to all involved there!

Matthew Sealy (IEVA), David Savage (GEOTAB), Derek Reilly (IEVA)Main image shows - Matthew Sealy (IEVA Chairperson), David Savage (GEOTAB VP UK&I) and Derek Reilly (IEVA Events Officer)



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