ecoHarmony discount offers & pricing updates

ecoHarmony discount offers & pricing updates

We are delighted to see ecoHarmony are back with there latest offers and updated pricing. We can see at times that people are looking for a simple home charger, or replacement cables due to a cable being lost or something breaking, and it is great to have ecoHarmony on board to help people find these items with ease!

Some people are looking for a simple charge point. ecoHarmony offer this with the SimplEV charge point. Currently there is a 20% discount on this unit with the discount code - IrishEV20

Details can be found at SimplEV with prices from €335 with the discount applied, exclusive to buyers in Ireland!

                                              SimplEV - 22kW EV Charge point


ecoHarmony have also worked on reducing their prices on their EV charging cables, with a range of cables available, including a replacement cable for your Type 2 charge point. Perfect if you are changing your car and you need to update from a Type 1 connector to a Type 2 connector and you don't want to purchase a new charge point!

                                           5.4m Type 2 Tethered Cable now €78


Note: Pricing is based on conversion rate at the time of the article being written. Prices may vary slightly due to conversion rates on GBP to Euro.

Shipping is not included in the above. Click on the links and input your details to get a full indication of final costs for each product.


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